Pre season pub golf
Club News WWHC Annual pub golf challenge!
9 holes, 30 golfers, what could possibly go wrong?
A team of 30 pub golfers gathered at the Crown & Cushion last Saturday night for our first social of the new season. With 8 further holes to visit along the Welly Road course ( that was fraught with hazards such as left hand drinking only, no loo breaks and no dancing, and the scene was set for fun filled and eventful evening). There were some fabulous outfits on show and at least three giant inflatable golf clubs. Prize goes to Steve our membership Sec for his very special headwear.
By hole 5, scorecards had been discarded, our webmaster & social sec were partaking in karaoke and its safe to say that every single pub golfer was over par and every single course rule had been broken. We didn’t make it to hole number 9 and its become clear that we all need to work on our handicaps for the next pub golf outing. ( And they say that hockey players make great golfers!)